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Facutly Spotlight: Dr. Ruben Mendoza

Dr. Ruben Mendoza is a professor in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph's University and is a current faculty initiate of the Zeta Pi chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. He resides in the Decision & System Sciences department here and has been teaching for 17.5 years at SJU! His fun fact is that he had dinner with Bishop Desmund Tutu! His advice for students is that you should know yourself. Are you doing your best, truly? how much sleep do you need? are you giving it to yourself? can you prioritize your work and your life appropriately? what do you feel strongly about? are there things you want to do and what is holding you back? This knowledge leads you to success in life. None of this is easy to do. It requires ongoing effort and I am still working on it.

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